
Do you want to have a healthy lifestyle but got no time to hit the gym because of your busy schedule? Fear not. The most easiest and cost efficient exercise is simple… WALKING. We are in a world where everything is fast paced. Whether driving your vehicle going to your workplace, ordering your favorite food via phone call or choosing your favorite item and have it delivered right at your doorstep. Walking these days are very limited. Here are the things that you’ll benefit from walking:

● Weight loss – when walking, you increase your heart rate, and your body temperature. Your heart rate goes up and that’s the time where you’ll burn those calories. You can burn more if you walk for long periods or do brisk walking.

● Reduce risk of high blood pressure –  especially for adults, walking is recommended since it is not a high impact activity. Be cautious in walking to places if there is a high temperature rate (just to avoid heat stroke).

● Tone leg muscles – you can actually have toned legs when walking most especially your CALF muscles. Your thigh muscles can tone too depending if you walk on an ascending/descending surface such as stairs.

● It Boosts energy and metabolism – this happens normally when you are in a hurry.

 Stronger bones and joints – walking early in the morning around 7 or 8 am is a great way to improve bone and joint integrity. The sun emits rays that activates the Vitamin D in our body to channel the calcium to our bones.

● Relieves stress – where a simple walk in a park or a place that you really like to go eliminates stress and depression. You’ll really feel good afterwards.


Author: Coach Bond

I specialize in fitness, sports conditioning and sports rehabilitation. I love travelling and going on adventures as well. This is my experience in which i would like to share to everyone.

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